Thursday, February 11, 2010

Even Famous People Can Be Losers

Today I attended class apathetically all morning. During my Writing class I was so bored that I was unable to sit still and got up about every 5 minutes to get some water or just walk around. It's only the 4th week of class but my teacher loves me so much (or hates me and thinks I am a pile, I honestly can't tell) that she didn’t even ask me what I was doing. Needless to say I was quite excited to get home and watch some TV. Now I was planning to fall asleep but then MTV Cribs came on and it had one of the best segments ever. This segment was staring Kim Kardashian! I know what you are thinking, Dan quit being a pervert or if you’re a man your thinking, "I wish I would have seen that episode." But let me tell you no matter what side you are on you have to see this episode, You get to see the inside of Kim Kardashians house..........well her parents house. hahahaha I was taken off guard because She introduced it as her house but then as the tour proceeded she says things like "this is where all me and my siblings hang out," or "this is my dad’s room."It was so pathetic that it was almost too sad to laugh at, but not quite. The only other time I have ever seen a star who was living at home on an MTV cribs episode was when Cribs went to the house of the Jonas Brothers. It's good to know that even stars can be losers who live at home to.

This also made me think of a certain Cribs video that was produced by my good friend Steve. Take a look- The Shizzy Ridge Cribs


  1. we saw that episode too! pretty funny. and the shizzy episode is the best ever produced!(this is where the reeeeal magic happens) good times!
